Wednesday, March 17, 2010

If You Lived Here, You Wouldn't Be Living.

The familiar sight of Loretta's scowling visage waiting for him by the front door has prompted Leroy to provide solace to his doleful neighbor, reminding him he should be thankful he isn't married to Loretta, lest he, too, continually seek escape with alcohol. Leroy also proves that he's every bit as adept as Loretta at clever wordplay with popular slogans.


Wings1295 said...

The dude is thinking "If I lived here, I would be dead by now."

Anonymous said...

leroy is saying all these negative things about lorette. yet he cannot leave ,she must be GOOD at something

Mr. Beautiful said...

Wings:: . . . which would be a contradiction.

Anonymous: I shudder to think at what. Where's Fred Sanford when you need him?

Anonymous said...

beautiful: think about what u had and picture laurette