Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Psalm 73:22

Poor Leroy is just the kind of schlep who couldn't figure out how to assemble his desk top computer out of the box by the time its warranty expired. Thus his ineptitude with the VCR is no surprise, and Loretta should now expect the same with the DVD. Twenty years from now, this will give her another opportunity to deliver a deadpan quip about Leroy's utter lack of technological prowess, to the delight of us Lockhorns readers.


Slacker said...

Too bad he can't program her.

Wings1295 said...

And, much as they look the same as they did when the VCR was a new invention, the Lockhorns will look the same when the newest technological innovation replaces the DVR in 20 years.

Wings1295 said...

And, much as they look the same as they did when the VCR was a new invention, the Lockhorns will look the same when the newest technological innovation replaces the DVR in 20 years.

Mr. Beautiful said...

Thanks for all the comments, and keep 'em coming! Let me reply, first of all, Leroy would be happy if he could only program Loretta to shut up, and seond of all, the Lockhorns are timeless denizens of our collective conscience.